Here are some other questions that people have asked.
Yes, many.
As noted above, the main way to avoid security holes is to use standard solutions rather than your own implementations and to use them as they’re designed to be used. However, it’s good to be at least aware of the main pitfalls. Some common ones are:
, I can’t help but try the url
as well, to see if the website will give me access to somebody else’s data.This can be difficult. The important thing is to fix the worst security problems in your current codebase by implementing salting and hashing. Switching to a professional platform is a long-term solution that you can take some time for.
However, there’s a difference between a concrete plan for change and good intentions. If you just have some vague resolution that you will someday change the platform behind your website, it will never happen.
The solution is to develop your codebase at different levels. At one level you fix crucial bugs like things that compromise security and important functionality. At another, you plan for the future, implementing features you would like to have and big changes like using a platform.
This has several benefits. Firstly, your developers can still spend most of their time fixing critical bugs, but you can manage how much time they spend on implementing future functionality.
Secondly, it makes your developers much happier. Nobody likes to spend their life patching the leaks in a product that they know is poorly constructed. If you spend half your time fixing the current product and the other half fixing the big problems that you know are there, you get a lot more job satisfaction. It’s not easy keeping good developers on board, so you should find a way to let them create the quality product they want to create.